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SPEI using TerraClimate data

This section will explain on how to download TerraClimate's precipitation (ppt) and potential evapotranspiration (pet) monthly data in netCDF format and prepare it as input for SPEI calculation.

This step-by-step guide was tested using Mac mini Server - Late 2012, 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, running on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and Windows 10 with Windows Subsystem for Linux enabled running on Parallels Desktop.

0. Working Directory

For this tutorial, we are working on these folder /Users/gost/temp/terraclimate/spei/ (applied to Mac/Linux machine) or Z:/temp/terraclimate/spei/ (applied to Windows machine) directory. I have some folder inside this directory:


    1. ppt
      1. nc_original
      2. nc_merge
      3. nc_tiles
      4. nc_subset
      5. nc_llt Place to put netCDF's ppt data that will use as an input
    2. pet
      1. nc_original
      2. nc_merge
      3. nc_tiles
      4. nc_subset
      5. nc_llt Place to put netCDF's pet data that will use as an input

    Place to put downloaded TerraCLimate data, and pre-process temporary files.

  2. output

    1. nc_original Output folder for SPEI calculation
      1. gamma
      2. pearson
    2. nc_tll Temporary for nc files from NCO arrange dimension process
    3. nc_merge Merging nc from separate tiles into single global layer (if you are following the global analysis procedures)
    4. geotiff
      1. gamma Final output of SPEI, generate by CDO and GDAL

Feel free to use your own preferences for this setting/folder arrangements.

1. Preparing input

SPEI requires monthly precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data, for better result, SPEI required minimum 30-years of data.

If you are prefer to use your own dataset also fine, you can still follow this guideline and adjust some steps and code related to filename, unit, format and structure.

1.1. Input requirement

The climate-indices python package enables the user to calculate SPEI using any gridded netCDF dataset. However, there are certain requirements for input files that vary based on input type.

  • Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration unit must be written as millimeters, millimeter, mm, inches, inch or in.

  • Data dimension and order must be written as lat, lon, time (Windows machine required this order) or time, lat, lon (Works tested on Mac/Linux and Linux running on WSL).

  • If your study area are big, it's better to prepare all the data following this dimension order: lat, lon, time as all the data will force following this order during SPEI calculation by NCO module. Let say you only prepare the data as is (leaving the order to lat, lon, time), it also acceptable but it will required lot of memory to use re-ordering the dimension, and usually NCO couldn't handle all the process and failed.

1.2. Download TerraClimate data

  • There are 2 files contains link for downloading ppt ( and pet (, the folder location are exactly the same with the working directory above.

  • Download both files and put it in the same location with your working directory.

  • Navigate to downloads/terraclimate/ppt/nc_original and downloads/terraclimate/pet/nc_originalfolder in the working directory. Download using wget all TerraClimate in netCDF format from Jan 1958 to Dec 2020 (this is lot of data, ppt +- 7.7GB and pet +- 6.4GB, please make sure you have bandwidth and unlimited data package). Paste and Enter below script in your Terminal.

    If you are in downloads/terraclimate/ppt/nc_original then execute below command

    If you are in downloads/terraclimate/pet/nc_original then execute below command


This guideline provide example on how to use CDO and NCO to do some data extraction process, you can choose which one is suits you.

1.3. Clip data using a bounding box based on area of interest and merge netCDFs into single netCDF

  • Clip your area of interest using bounding box. We will use Sao Tome and Principe (STP) as the example case.

    Example: (STP) bounding box with format lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 is 5.75,8.05,-0.35,2.15

    Precipitation: Navigate your location to /downloads/ppt/nc_original

    CDO script:

    for fl in *.nc; cdo sellonlatbox,5.75,8.05,-0.35,2.15 $fl ../nc_subset/"stp_cli_"$fl; done

    NCO script:

    for fl in *.nc; ncks -d latitude,-0.35,2.15 -d longitude,5.75,8.05 $fl -O ../nc_subset/"stp_cli_"$fl; done

    Potential Evapotranspiration: Navigate your location to /downloads/pet/nc_original

    CDO script:

    for fl in *.nc; cdo sellonlatbox,5.75,8.05,-0.35,2.15 $fl ../nc_subset/"stp_cli_"$fl; done

    NCO script:

    for fl in *.nc; ncks -d latitude,-0.35,2.15 -d longitude,5.75,8.05 $fl -O ../nc_subset/"stp_cli_"$fl; done
  • Merge all annual netcdf in a folder into single netcdf.

    Precipitation: make sure you are in /downloads/ppt/nc_subset

    CDO script:

    cdo mergetime stp_*.nc ../nc_merge/

    NCO script: Before merging the data, NCO required all the data has timedimension, we will use ncks command to make time the record dimension/variable used for concatenating files.

    for fl in *.nc; do ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time $fl $fl; done

    Then we are ready to concatenate it.

    ncrcat -O -h stp_*.nc ../nc_merge/

    Potential Evapotranspiration: make sure you are in /downloads/pet/nc_subset

    CDO script:

    cdo mergetime stp_*.nc ../nc_merge/

    NCO script: Before merging the data, NCO required all the data has timedimension, we will use ncks command to make time the record dimension/variable used for concatenating files.

    for fl in *.nc; do ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time $fl $fl; done

    Then we are ready to concatenate it.

    ncrcat -O -h stp_*.nc ../nc_merge/

1.4. Check variable and attribute

As explain in Step 1.1. Input requirement above, we need to check the variable and attribute on above result to make sure all meet the requirements.

  • Navigate to /downloads/ppt/nc_merge folder in the working directory. Then execute below command.

    ncdump -h

    ncdump ppt

  • Navigate to /downloads/pet/nc_merge folder in the working directory. Then execute below command.

    ncdump -h

    ncdump pet

  • As you can see from above picture, all the requirement is completed: unit is in mm, order dimension for each variables is lat, lon, time, and time dimension is in UNLIMITED. Once this has completed, the dataset can be used as input to climate-indices package for computing SPEI.

2. Calculate SPEI

Please make sure below points:

  • You are still inside climate_indices environment to start working on SPEI calculation.
  • Variable name on precipitation --var_name_precip, usually TerraClimate data use ppt as name while other precipitation data like CHIRPS using precip and IMERG using precipitation as a variable name. To make sure, check using command ncdump -h then adjust it in SPEI script if needed.
  • Variable name on potential evapotranspiration --var_name_pet, usually TerraClimate data use pet as name.
  • Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration unit must be written as millimeters, milimeter, mm, inches, inch or in.
  • Data dimension and order must be written as lat, lon, time (Windows machine required this order) or time, lat, lon (Works tested on Mac/Linux and Linux running on WSL).

Let's start the calculation!

  • In your Terminal, run the following code.

    process_climate_indices --index spei --periodicity monthly --netcdf_precip /Users/gost/temp/terraclimate/spei/downloads/ppt/nc_merge/ --var_name_precip ppt --netcdf_pet /Users/gost/temp/terraclimate/spei/downloads/pet/nc_merge/ --var_name_pet pet --output_file_base /Users/gost/temp/terraclimate/spei/output/nc_original/spt_cli_spei --scales 1 2 3 6 9 12 18 24 36 48 60 72 --calibration_start_year 1958 --calibration_end_year 2020 --multiprocessing all
  • Above code is example for calculating SPEI 1 to 72-months. It's ok if you think you only need some of them. Example: you are interested to calculate SPEI 1 - 3-months or SPEI 12-months, then adjust above code into --scales 1 2 3 or --scales 12.

  • The above command will compute SPEI (both gamma and Pearson Type III distributions) from monthly precipitation dataset and potential evapotranspiration, and the calibration period used will be Jan-1958 through Dec-2020. The index will be computed at 1,2,3,6,9,12,18,24,36,48,60 and 72-month timescales. The output files will be <out_dir>/, and <out_dir>/

    The output files will be:


    1. 1-month: /output/nc_original/
    2. 2-month: /output/nc_original/
    3. 3-month: /output/nc_original/
    4. 6-month: /output/nc_original/
    5. 9-month: /output/nc_original/
    6. 12-month: /output/nc_original/
    7. 18-month: /output/nc_original/
    8. 24-month: /output/nc_original/
    9. 36-month: /output/nc_original/
    10. 48-month: /output/nc_original/
    11. 60-month: /output/nc_original/
    12. 72-month: /output/nc_original/


    1. 1-month: /output/nc_original/
    2. 2-month: /output/nc_original/
    3. 3-month: /output/nc_original/
    4. 6-month: /output/nc_original/
    5. 9-month: /output/nc_original/
    6. 12-month: /output/nc_original/
    7. 18-month: /output/nc_original/
    8. 24-month: /output/nc_original/
    9. 36-month: /output/nc_original/
    10. 48-month: /output/nc_original/
    11. 60-month: /output/nc_original/
    12. 72-month: /output/nc_original/

Parallelization will occur utilizing all CPUs.

When the SPEI calculation completed, move arrange all the output by moving SPEI files with gamma to gammafolder and with pearson to pearson folder.

For the translation to GeoTIFF as a final output, we only use SPEI gamma version.

3. Visualize the result using Panoply

Let see the result.

  • From the /output/nc_original/gamma directory, right-click file and Open With Panoply.

    If you are not following the tutorial but interested to see the file, you can download this file from this link:

  • From the Datasets tab select spei_gamma_12_month and click Create Plot

  • In the Create Plot window select option Georeferenced Longitude-Latitude.

  • When the Plot window opens:

    • Array tab: Change the time into 717 to view data on 1 September 2019
    • Scale tab: Change value on Min -3.09, Max 3.09, Major 6, Color Table CB_RdBu_09.cpt
    • Map tab: Change value on Center on Lon 7.0 Lat 1.0, then Zoom in the map through menu-editor Plot > Zoom - Plot In few times until Sao Tome and Principe appear proportionally. Set grid spacing 1.0 and Labels on every grid lines.
    • Overlays tab: Change Overlay 1 to MWDB_Coasts_Countries_1.cnob


4. Convert the result to GeoTIFF

We need CDO to do a conversion of the result into GeoTIFF format, and CDO required the variable should be in time,lat,lon, while the output from SPEI: in lat,lon,time, you can check this via ncdump -h

  • Navigate your Terminal to folder /output/nc_original/gamma/

  • Let's re-order the variables into time,lat,lon using ncpdq command from NCO and save the result to folder /output/nc_tll/STP/

    ncpdq -a time,lat,lon ../../../output/nc_tll/STP/
  • Navigate your Terminal to folder /output/nc_tll/STP/

  • Check result and metadata to make sure everything is correct.

    ncdump -h
  • Then convert all value into GeoTIFF with time dimension information as the filename using CDO and GDAL. Usually the geotiff image will not have projection information, so we will add that information via the script: -a_ullr ulx uly lrx lry -a_srs EPSG:4326

  • Execute below script and save the result to folder /output/geotiff/gamma/STP/SPEI-12

    for t in `cdo showdate`; do
        cdo seldate,$t     
        gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_ullr 5.75 2.15 8.05 -0.35 -a_srs EPSG:4326 -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=1 ../../geotiff/gamma/STP/SPEI-12/stp_cli_terraclimate_spei12.$t.tif
  • Next, you can continue to translate other SPEI files.

Congrats, now you are able to calculate SPEI based on monthly rainfall in netCDF and translate the output into GeoTIFF format.

5. Global SPEI data

Global SPEI-12 data using TerraClimate has been computed, other SPEI for different time period will follow. The monthly SPEI data is available in GeoTIFF format at DEC S3 bucket: s3://wbgdecinternal-ntl/climate/products/spei-terraclimate/spei-12/geotiff

5.1. Example output

Below is the example of global SPEI-12 as of December 2020, generated by GOST team.


5.2. Comparison with other data provider

SPEI Global Drought Monitor

Santiago Begueria and friend from Spanish National Research Council who invented SPEI, released the SPEI Global Drought Monitor which offers near real-time information about drought conditions at the global scale, with a 1 degree spatial resolution and a monthly time resolution.

Link for SPEI 12-month, December 2020 from Global Drought Monitor -


Climate Engine

Climate Engine is a free web application powered by Google Earth Engine that can be used to create on-demand maps and charts from publicly available satellite and climate data using a standard web browser. Climate Engine allows users to analyze and interact with climate and earth observations for decision support related to drought, water use, agricultural, wildfire, and ecology.

One of the product that could generate easily using Climate Engine is SPEI and using TerraClimate data. Link


6. Reference

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