Monthly IMERG in netCDF format#

This section will explain on how to download IMERG monthly data in netCDF format and prepare it as input for SPI calculation.

Download monthly IMERG data from GES DISC#

  • Using a web browser, go to NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC):

  • Type “IMERG” in the search bar and click on the search.

  • Select IMERG Version 6 Level 3 data at “monthly” temporal resolution and click on the “Subset/Get Data” icon.

    IMERG monthly

  • Current latest data is up to October 2021, but for this guideline we will download for period June 2000 - December 2020.

  • Choose option Get File Subsets using the GES DISC Subsetter.

  • Under Refine Region, enter 105.05, -8.8, 116.25, -5.05 This spatial subset is for Java island, Indonesia.

  • Under Variables select only precipitation.

  • Leave the default parameters under Grid.

  • Under File Format select “netCDF”.

  • Click Get Data.

    Download options

  • Data links windows will popup and you may click “Download links list”.

    Data Links

  • You will get a txt file with similar filename like this one subset_GPM_3IMERGM_06_20210707_044656.txt.

  • Move this file into your working directory (in this case we have folder /downloads/imerg/imerg_originalfiles to save the txt file).

  • Navigate your terminal to folder /downloads/imerg/imerg_originalfiles and type this code to download the data:.

    wget -c -i subset_GPM_3IMERGM_06_20210707_044656.txt`


If you are lazy to follow the process of downloading data, for convenience these data are made available on via this link on Github.

Once downloaded, unzip

Rename all the data into friendly filename#

  • If you check the data in folder IMERG_originalfiles, you will find the data with filename something like HTTP_services.cgi?FILENAME=%2Fdata%2FGPM_L3%2FGPM_3IMERGM.06%2F2000%2F3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5&FORMAT=bmM0Lw&BBOX=-8.8,105.05,-5.05,116.25&LABEL=3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4.

    Original Filenames

  • We need to rename it all the file into friendly filename like this 3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4.

  • If you follow the download process, you may create a duplicate for contents in imerg_originalfiles to IMERG_mmhr (just in case something happen to your downloaded files). But if you are not follow the download process but downloaded folder, you are good.

  • We will use regular expression and remove the first 178 characters in the filename (I will remove text HTTP_services.cgi?FILENAME=%2Fdata%2FGPM_L3%2FGPM_3IMERGM.06%2F2000%2F3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5&FORMAT=bmM0Lw&BBOX=-8.8,105.05,-5.05,116.25&LABEL= and leaving 3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4).
    Using rename command, make sure you are navigate to imerg_mmhr directory in your terminal, type below code:

    rename 's/.{178}//g' *.nc4


    If you found rename command not found, install it using Homebrew by typing brew install rename.

    And below is the result!

    Renamed Filenames

Convert unit from mm/hr to mm/month#

Make sure you are inside gis environment and imerg_mmhr folder, we will use NCO to pre-process the data.

  • Let’s read header contents of a netCDF file in IMERG_mmhr folder. we will use this data 3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4 as example. Type and execute below code:

    ncdump -h 3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4

    You will get information (dimension, variables and global attribute) about the data.


    As you can see above picture, the original downloaded files unit from GPM IMERG is in mm/hr, while to calculate monthly SPI/SPEI, the data must be in mm/month. We need to do a conversion process using ncap2 (arithmatic operator for netCDF files) command by multiplying number of day in month with 24hour. Example:

    • Rainfall value in Month: JAN, MAR, MAY, JUL, AUG, OCT, DEC which has 31 days will multiply with 744 to get mm/month

    • Rainfall value in Month: APR, JUN, SEP, NOV which has 30 days will multiply with 720 to get mm/month

    • Rainfall value in Month: FEB in a leap year which has 29 days will multiply with 696 to get mm/month

    • Rainfall value in Month: FEB in a normal year which has 28 days will multiply with 672 to get mm/month

    To do the calculation, we will use below script to help generate line of codes for converting value of each data from mm/hr to mm/month.

    while read -r _file; do
        file=$(basename -- "$_file")
        yearmonth=$(echo "$file" | sed -E 's/.*\.3IMERG\.([0-9]{6})[0-9]{2}-.*/\1/')
        mult=$(python - "$yearmonth" <<EOF
    import sys, calendar
    ym = sys.argv[1]
    print(calendar.monthrange(int(ym[:4]), int(ym[4:]))[1] * 24)
        echo ncap2 -s 'precipitation='"$mult"'*precipitation' "$file" ../imerg_mmmonth/"$file";
    done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.nc4") >

    Paste above code in your Terminal and Enter. You will get a file named as the result.

    IMERG Gen Script

    Then execute below


    IMERG Script

    All file inside imerg_mmmonth will have rainfall which show the value in mm/month. Let’s check file 3B-MO.MS.MRG.3IMERG.20000601-S000000-E235959.06.V06B.HDF5.nc4 in folder imerg_mmhr and imerg_mmmonth using Panoply, see the difference in range of value.

  • Monthly rainfall in mm/hr.


  • Monthly rainfall in mm/month.


I am aware the unit text still in mm/hr, we will explain how to edit it in the next topic.

Create single netCDF file#

Navigate to imerg_mmmonth folder in Terminal. Loop all files in the folder imerg_mmmonth to make time the record dimension/variable used for concatenating files using ncks command.

for fl in *.nc4; do ncks -O --mk_rec_dmn time $fl $fl; done

Add Time

Concatenates all nc4 files in imerg_mmmonth folder into one nc4 file named imerg_concat.nc4 using ncrcat command.

ncrcat -h *.nc4 imerg_concat.nc4


Check the header.

ncdump -h imerg_concat.nc4

ncdump Concatenates

And the variables for precipitation is time,lon,lat but SPI calculation required:

  • lat,lon,time or

  • time,lat,lon

Let’s re-order the variables into time,lat,lon using ncpdq command, to be able running the SPI code in Python.

ncpdq -a time,lat,lon imerg_concat.nc4 imerg_concat_ncpdq0.nc4

IMERG ncpdq1

Check again the header for the result imerg_concat_ncpdq0.nc4.

ncdump -h imerg_concat_ncpdq0.nc4

IMERG ncpdq2

And the variables for precipitation is time,lat,lon, it means the result is correct. But the unit still in mm/hr.

Notes on re-ordering process

After re-ordering the variables, sometimes user experience lat or lon dimension becomes UNLIMITED which is wrong. The time dimension should be the UNLIMITED dimension.

Fortunately you can do this to fix the lat or lon dimension who becomes UNLIMITED using ncks command below:

ncks --fix_rec_dmn lat IMERG_concat_ncpdq0.nc4 -o outfixed.nc4 ; mv outfixed.nc4 IMERG_concat_ncpdq0.nc4

And to make UNLIMITED the time dimension again using ncks command below:

ncks --mk_rec_dmn time IMERG_concat_ncpdq0.nc4 -o outunlim.nc4 ; mv outunlim.nc4 IMERG_concat_ncpdq0.nc4

If you don’t come accross the problem, lat or lon dimension becomes UNLIMITED, then skip above process and go directly to step below.

SPI code does not recognized unit mm/hr or mm/month, we need to edit into mm. To edit the unit attribute names, we will use ncatted command, follow below code.

ncatted -a units,precipitation,modify,c,'mm' IMERG_concat_ncpdq0.nc4 IMERG_concat_ncpdq1.nc4

IMERG ncatted1

Check again the header for imerg_concat_ncpdq1.nc4, to make sure everything is correct.

ncdump -h imerg_concat_ncpdq1.nc4

IMERG ncatted2

And the units already in mm.

Once this has completed, the dataset can be used as input to this package for computing SPI. From above picture, some of the precipitation attribute are still wrong: DimensionNames and Units. we can leave it as is, SPI code will only read units and variables precipitation(time,lat,lon).

As the input data preparation is completed, move the file IMERG_concat_ncpdq1.nc4 to main folder Input_nc and rename into

mv imerg_concat_ncpdq1.nc4 ../../../input_nc/

IMERG ncfinal

Make sure the file is available at input_nc folder.

IMERG inputnc