Working Directory#

For this tutorial, we are working on these folder /precipitation-index/exercise/ (applied to Mac/Linux machine) or Z:/precipitation-index/exercise/ (applied to Windows machine) directory. We have some folder inside this directory:


    1. imerg

      1. imerg_mmhr

      2. imerg_mmmonth

      3. imerg_originalfiles

    2. chirps

      1. netcdf

      2. geotiff

    3. terraclimate

      1. ppt

      2. pet

    Place to put downloaded IMERG,CHIRPS and TerraClimate data.

  2. fitting

    Place to put fitting parameters output from the calculation.

  3. input_nc

    1. imerg

    2. chirps

    3. terraclimate

    Place to put netCDF data that will use as an input.

  4. input_tif

    Place to put GeoTIFF file that will use to convert to single netCDF with time dimension enabled.

  5. output_nc

    1. spi

    2. spei

    Output folder for SPI calculation.

  6. output_temp

    Temporary for nc files from CDO arrange dimension process.

  7. output_tif

    Final output of SPI, generate by CDO and GDAL.

  8. subset

    Place to put shapefile for clipping area of interest.

Feel free to use your own preferences for this setting/folder arrangements.